Our Covid-19 Update

Acorn Early Education Centre reopened on July 6th, 2020, as British Columbia is now in Phase 3 of the Covid-19 Restart Plan. We have developed policies and protocols to ensure our environment is as safe as possible, both physically and emotionally, to protect the children, families, and staff. We are taking the health and safety of everyone very seriously. We are doing our best to respond to the situation as it evolves and will adapt our policies accordingly. We will follow all recommendations of the BC Provincial Health Officer, Vancouver Coastal Health, BC Centre for Disease Control and WorkSafe BC. We will communicate any necessary new information to our families. Our current policies are subject to change without notice due to the uncertainty of the current times.

Children are at low risk of catching and spreading Covid-19. In B.C., children have had a much lower rate of Covid-19 infections than adults. Children who have developed Covid-19 have most likely acquired it from adults in the household setting. Ensuring you follow public health prevention strategies, such as frequent and thorough hand washing, avoiding touching your face, staying home when sick, and avoiding direct physical contact/maintaining physical distancing, can all help to reduce the risk of Covid-19 (bccdc.ca).

Since reopening, everything has been going very well and running smoothly at Acorn. We have extra hand washing stations and lots of space for the children to play without getting too close. We are operating with reduced hours, smaller group sizes, and staggered arrival and departure times. Currently, access to our facility is limited to enrolled children and staff only. Parents, and all other adults, are not permitted to enter the facility. Due to this, our Music and Movement, and Yoga Programs are temporarily suspended. All children need to bring their food from home, as our snack and Hot Lunch programs are temporarily suspended as well. We maintain strict hygiene etiquette, health policies, and enhanced cleaning and disinfecting protocols. We are also spending more time outdoors. These policies will continue until further notice, when advised by Health authorities. We are all in this together and we are working hard to provide the safest possible childcare for returning and new families at Acorn. Welcome back everyone!

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